Circular economy toolkit

Did you know that Impact Hub has designed a toolkit for you and organizations looking to integrate circular design principles into their programs ? And it’s free !

We’ve developed this kit to assist our community and beyond in facilitating a just and sustainable world where businesses and profits serve society and the planet.

Get started now and begin incorporating circular design into your organization!

Download the toolkit and sign up for the online program through this link.

All of this is funded by the MAVA Foundation and the Stichting DOEN Foundation.


See also

« Nos usages numériques génèrent de la pollution et des déchets »
1, 2, 3 … Partez ! Découvrez les finalistes de l’incubateur “Circular Economy”
«Long live our objects !»
Voltiris raises a CHF 1.4M Pre-Seed investment round

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