Chicago’s Vienna Beef to create 51 new full-time jobs in Newcomerstown

We operate in 35 locations and our products are available in more than 150 countries in collaboration with the world’s leading retail and e-commerce companies. Since its founding in 1945, Mattel has been a proud and trusted partner in empowering children to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential. They know that […]

Mis understanding your native language: Regional accent impedes processing of information status

The cultural influence model: when accented natural language spoken by virtual characters matters AI & SOCIETY Results from Experiment 1 indicate that when processing British English prosodic cues to information status, contrary to our original hypothesis, native Canadian English speakers resemble non-native speakers confronted with the same stimuli (Chen & Lai, 2011) rather than native […]

First accordion item is always open. So this is just a dummy item that is hidden by CSS – so the rest appears closed.