Bump-in&Learn – 7 Golden Rules for a Psychologically Safer Workplace

We all love being part of a fun and well-functioning team: it gives us a lot of energy and joy and is often one of the main reasons why we enjoy going to work.

Conflict, tension and the inability to ‘speak real’ with each other in the workplace are very resource consuming. They create fear, mistrust and insecurity and prevent flow in the collaboration. What if we paid as much attention to relationships as we do to IT services, security or budgets?

Aurélie de Lalande, expert in nonviolent communication, self-proclaimed relationship caretaker and member of Impact Hub Bern, will talk about how to take care of relationships at work to ensure psychological safety.

Check her out at www.holdingspace.be


7 November 2023






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PME romandes | Évolution des métiers et compétences
10 September 2024
Impact Hub Lausanne
Inclusion & Belonging in the Workplace – Why Diversities Matter
10 September 2024
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Diwan (Human Library)
11 September 2024
Impact Hub Geneva
Wednesdays’ Sexy Salad at the Hub
11 September 2024
Impact Hub Geneva

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